RTU and PLSP Sign MOU for Academic Collaboration and Benchmarking

June 11, 2024- Rizal Technological University (RTU) and Pamantasan Lungsod ng San Pablo, Laguna (PLSP) formalized their partnership through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signing ceremony held at the R&D Blue Room of the RTU Main Campus.

The ceremony commenced with a welcome message from Dr. Kristine Y. Opulencia, RTU’s Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs (VPASA). Following the welcome address, Inst. Donato Z. Estocada, Director of RTU International Affairs and Linkages Offices (IALO), presented the background of the undertaking, outlining the collaborative goals and expected outcomes of the MOU.

Messages of support were then delivered by Dr. Rodolfo L. Ducut, RTU Vice President for Finance and Administration (VPFA), and Dr. Joel Melecio Cabael, PLSP Vice President of External Affairs and Linkages. Both of them highlighted the importance of such partnerships in fostering academic excellence and internationalization.

The focal point of the event was the MOU signing proper, where Dr. Ma. Eugenia M. Yangco, RTU President, and Dr. Sigfredo C. Adajar, PLSP President, formally signed the agreement.

In her message of commitment, Dr. Yangco articulated RTU’s dedication to high standards of integrity, collaboration, and inclusivity. She emphasized the shared vision for advancing education, research, and community engagement, with a focus on enriching student experiences and contributing to the socioeconomic development of both regions.

Dr. Adajar echoed this sentiment in his address, highlighting the academic objectives and mutual benefits of the cooperation. He noted that the partnership would explore innovative methods and ideas to achieve excellent assessment objectives, thereby enhancing learning and preparing students for globalization.

The MOU signing ceremony was followed by a benchmarking activity where RTU shared its best practices with PLSP, fostering a mutual exchange of knowledge and strategies to improve institutional performance.

The partnership between RTU and PLSP signifies a strong commitment to educational excellence and collaborative growth, paving the way for future joint initiatives and academic advancements.